N.utbush C.itylimits (C.J M.ackintosh Remix)
S.teamy W.indows (J.ustin S.trauss House Mix)
F.oreign A.ffair (One In A Million Extended Mix)
D.ancing I.n M.y D.reams (B'n'D Club Mix)
O.n S.ilent W.ings (T.otal A.bduction Mix)
S.imply T.he B.est 2008 (Cut Up Remix)
W.hen T.he H.eartache I.s O.ver (M.etro Mix)
R.aise Y.our H.ands (M.ilk and S.ugar Remix)[Vs Ga.uzz]
F.alling L.ike R.ain (House Mix 2009)
P.rivate D.ancer (Side A 2008 Remix)
T.ypical M.ale 2008 (J.ason P.arker Club Mix)
L.et's S.tay T.ogether (E.lephant Crakup Mix 2010)
W.hat's L.ove G.ot T.o D.o W.ith I.t (T.hee W.erq'n B!tches Rumoured Mix)
Click on image to download.
Time: 55 Mins (52.12 MB)