My Name is Juliana, you can call me Juli, Jules, Nana or Datin! hahaah... I am an Ariesian and I'm from Singapore! Muahahh
How did you come to know about our blog?
My bestie, Sani Selamat intro the blog to me and the oh so cool Dave brought me for a tour around the blog... So cool!
Who’s your favourite artiste?
All time favourite will be Anuar Zain (don't laugh Dave and Sani), Kelly Clarkson :)
Which is your most favourite DJ ExMen mix?
Gay Pride Mix 2010!!!! Awesome!!!
What megamix would you like to see on our blog (not done before) in the future?
Salsa, Merengue and Bachata Mixes... adds in the sexyness spice!
If you can have dinner with anyone famous (dead or alive), who would it be?
Barrack Obama, i would like to ask him what brought him to success and can he take me as his lil sister.
What are 3 brands (of anything) that you like most?
I'm not into branded stuffs but, Charles and Keith is my favourite. I like it most!!Affordable and beautiful.
What was the last country/city that you visited and where would you like to go next?
Last city I must say, was Hong Kong. I'd really love to go Spain and Greece to see the labyrinth. I wanna go to Santorini!! Take lotsa pictures!
If you only have one day left to live, what would you do?
Pray to god asking for forgiveness!
If you're competing for Miss Universe, what would be your answer to "what does the world need right now?", besides "world peace"?
Hahahaa... cliche. I would say, Repentance from Human Beings so that there will be lesser natural disaster.
Email: julianatukiman@yahoo.com
Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/julianatukiman
If you are keen to be featured (there's no criteria whatsoever, so long as you dig our mixes and don't mind making a friend or two via our blog), drop us an email or a note in Facebook.
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